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ACL Tear Treatment: Helping a College Football Player Avoid Surgery

ACL Tear Treatment: Helping a College Football Player Avoid Surgery

Brendan Tow is a college football player that I’ve known since he was a kid. He was excited to get a college football scholarship several years ago, but that elation was soon cut short by his first and then second ACL injuries. We’ve been able to help Brendan through...
Back Fusion Alternatives

Back Fusion Alternatives

We arguably have more experience with injecting stem cells into the discs of patients than anyone else on earth, having performed our first case in 2005. While placing stem cells in discs can be helpful in certain circumstances, can we provide back fusion alternatives...
New Study Questions ACL Surgery Effectiveness…

New Study Questions ACL Surgery Effectiveness…

The new study looked at 100 patients who had ACL surgery versus and 43 patients who opted not to pursue surgery. The patients who opted for surgery were younger and more active (participated in more competitive sports) than the non-surgical group. Despite these...