Herman Cane became famous for his 9-9-9 plan during his presidential bid. Now there’s a new plan in the arena of stem cells brought to us by a reader of this blog, the 5-5-5 knee stem cell treatment. If you get a knee stem cell injection you’ll be pain free in 5 days,...
While stem cells are clearly gaining ground in orthopedics, there are still some physicians and many scientists that argue that there just isn’t enough research yet for physicians to use this therapy in patients. Since I’ve been following the research since 2005 and...
Thinking About a Second Stem Cell Injection? Watch This… I often get asked if a second stem cell injection for knee arthritis will add anything to the results of the first procedure. If we were like every other little clinic popping up, using a simple, automated...
Patients considering spinal stenosis injections often come into the office with back pain with thier MRI CDs, believing that this shiny data disc holds the key to their salvation. This makes sense, as many are desperate at that point, their low back having betrayed...
How does soda fit into the diet and cells equation? Soda has become an American staple, with some patients using it to replace water. Now a new study shows that it shortens the telomeres in your cells. What the heck are telomeres and why should you care? When your...